Minecraft Guides

Minecraft for Busy Grown Ups
on January 16, 2025
A straightforward guide to start playing Minecraft with family and friends

Setting Up Obsidian for Content Planning and Project Management
on March 11, 2024
Obsidian is a flexible markdown writing application that allow users to customize notes with templates and other plugins. In this post, I share my setup and my custom templates for content planning and simple project management.

Creating an Automated Documentation Pipeline in PHP with Autodocs and GitHub Actions
on January 16, 2024
In this tutorial, learn how to create an automated documentation pipeline in PHP with Autodocs, Minicli, and GitHub Actions

How to Create a GitHub Action in PHP with Minicli
on April 26, 2022
In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a GitHub Action that will import your posts from DEV into a GitHub repository you own. We'll build this in PHP using Minicli.

How To Create a Composer Bin Command with Minicli
on June 23, 2021
Learn how to create a simple Minicli application and distribute it as a Composer Bin Command.
Git and GitHub

Pick. Squash. Drop. Rebase! (Comic)
on January 24, 2020
It is a common practice to use `git rebase` to squash commits before creating or merging a pull request; nobody needs to see that you fixed 10 typos in 5 separate commits, and keeping that history is of no use. So how does a rebase look like?

Understanding Git Branches (Illustrated)
on January 17, 2020
When multiple developers need to work in the same Git repository, it is important to define a process that allows collaboration. That's when branches become essential.

Stage! Commit! Push! A Git story (for beginners) - comic
on January 10, 2020
A comic about Git basics
One Pagers

Dev Environments with Docker
on January 16, 2025
Learn the basics about using Docker for running local development environments on containers
3D Printing

From SVG to 3D Printed with Inkscape and FreeCAD
on November 09, 2023
Learn how to import an SVG file on FreeCAD and turn it into a solid shape that can be 3D printed

FreeCAD for Beginners
on November 09, 2023
In this introduction to 3D design with FreeCAD, learn how to navigate the interface and use the Part Design workbench to create a simple pen holder for 3D printing.

An Introduction to 3D Printing
on November 01, 2023
3D printing refers to a variety of processes in which a computer-operated machine creates three dimensional objects by joining or solidifying material, typically layer-by-layer until the whole object is complete.
Technical Writing

Information Architecture and Content Planning for Documentation Websites
on December 20, 2022
In this post we'll learn about information architecture in the context of documentation websites and see tips to get your docs organized.

Setting up a Documentation Website for your Software Project with Hugo and Netlify
on December 16, 2022
In the second part of our series, we'll see how to set up a dedicated documentation website for your software project using the Hugo static site generator, and having it hosted for free on Netlify.

Documentation 101: creating a good README for your software project
on December 12, 2022
In this article, which is part 1 of a series on how to write good documentation, we'll see some tips to write a good README file for your project.

How to Install Ubuntu 23.04 on a Desktop or VM
on May 23, 2023
In this guide, learn how to install Ubuntu 23.04 - you can install it as main operating system on a desktop computer, or as a VirtualBox VM.

Creating Safer PHP Runtimes with Wolfi
on March 03, 2023
In this tutorial, we'll learn about Wolfi and how to leverage it for safer PHP container runtime environments.

How to Install and Set Up Terminator + Oh My ZSH! on Ubuntu
on May 23, 2023
In this step-by-step guide, learn how to install and set up Terminator and Oh My ZSH! on Ubuntu 23.04 for a pretty and handy terminal.

Building the World
on October 16, 2023
In this talk I present Wolfi, the Linux undistro built for containers.